Training & Talks

Training & Talks

Training Packages

Kylie Legge is one of the placemaking industry’s leading facilitators.
She has extensive experience in local government, organisational change, training and experience with 100’s of on the ground projects.

Place Score offers a range of in-house training packages to ensure that your teams are
furnished with contemporary placemaking knowledge, tools and skills to ensure more
successful projects and better outcomes for your communities.

Our training courses are designed for your organisation. Choose from a range of
sessions and different lengths to get the perfect fit. All sessions include interactive components
to get your team thinking, talking and working together to solve place challenges.

Groups size limited to 25 people. Face to face and digital delivery offered.

Read more about our training offers below.

Placemaking & Place Measurement

This interactive workshop will introduce the fundamentals of placemaking as the process of creating self-activating and successful town centres and neighbourhoods that make people’s lives better. The workshop also introduces the concept, tools and value of place measurement for evidence-based planning and return on investment.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn about the theory and practical processes of placemaking
  • Learn through case studies that have used a placemaking approach
  • Understanding of place measurement, common terms, definitions, and tools
Tactical Urbanism for Government

Designed specifically for Government workers, the Tactical Urbanism for Government course will introduce you to tactical urbanism rationale and approaches, supported by detailed case studies. Come away with base level knowledge, increased confidence and a process map for tactical projects.

This is an ideal first step in growing internal capacity to undertake tactical urbanism projects and support communities locally-led efforts.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Foundation knowledge of tactical urbanism approaches
  • Exploration of contemporary tactical urbanism case studies
  • The importance of measuring strategic outcomes of tactical projects
  • Tactical Urbanism Roadmap to guide planning of future projects

Book a Speaker

Kylie is a well regarded and engaging speaker available for conference keynotes,
panel speakers and moderators, and master of ceremonies in both face to face or digital formats.

Kylie Legge

2022 Australian Placemaking Summit Keynote Speaker

2021 Create NSW Arts, Screen & Cultural Panel, Guest Speaker and Panel Member

2021 Australian Liveability Forums

2021 Placemaking Summit

2020 NGAA Placemaking in a post pandemic world

2021 Australian Placemaking Summit Keynote Speaker

2019 International Urban Design Conference Guest Speaker

2018 Create NSW Arts, Screen & Cultural Panel, Guest Speaker and Panel Member

Business Inspiration and Mentoring

These 45-minute live webinars are great for supporting your business community to think differently.
No limits to the number of attendees and recording is available for your website for 1 year.

Topics include:
Inspirational Marketing
Redefining your customer
Getting prepped for a more flexible business future
